Trading conditions

Trading terms for MonDay Bliss ApS
MonDay Bliss ApS
MonDay Bliss ApS accepts online payments with Dankort, Visa/Dankort, Visa, Mobilepay Online, Paypal, ApplePay.
Payment will only be debited from your account when the physical product is shipped or the virtual product is created, unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order.
Reservation of amount
When using a payment card, debit as well as credit, a reservation is made of the amount traded for. This amount is reserved until the webshop has processed and shipped your order. When the order has been dispatched, the money is withdrawn from the account. The reservation time depends on the product/service.
Debit card authorization
With a debit card, you will be able to see that the money has been reserved on your account and that your available amount will appear here as being less.If you or the webshop subsequently cancel your order, the webshop cannot withdraw the money, but the reservation will still apply for a period. Note that only your bank (or card issuer) will be able to cancel the reservation.
Credit card authorization
The money will only be withdrawn from your account and shown in your overview when the webshop processes and withdraws the payment for your order
All amounts on the website include VAT.
The homepage uses the following currencies for pricing:
Denmark - Kroner (DKK)
MonDay Bliss ApS uses a secure payment server that encrypts all information with SSL protocol, which means your data is secure and cannot be read by outsiders.
MonDay Bliss ApS's own website also uses encryption with SSL protocol.
The delivery time for your order is 2-3 working days.
MonDay Bliss ApS ships goods with the following: GLS - Commercial, GLS - Private, GLS - Parcel Shop, PostNord - Private, PostNord - Commercial, PostNord - Optional delivery location, DAO - Direct, DAO - Parcel Shop, Bring - Private (Evening delivery) , Bring - Business, Bring - Optional delivery location
The freight is calculated based on weight.
You will be able to choose between having the package sent "without delivery" or "with delivery".
You will always receive a track and trace no. so you can track your package from our warehouse to your home.
Right of withdrawal
There is a 14-day full right of return on goods purchased on the website, unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order.
The 14 day period starts on the day the order is delivered.
You bear any return costs yourself.
Requests for cancellation must be communicated to us no later than 14 days after delivery and reach us no later than 14 days after we have been informed of your use of the right of cancellation.
Requests for use of the right of withdrawal must be given by email In the notification, your wish to use the right of withdrawal must be clearly stated.
The condition of the item upon return
You are liable for the deterioration in the value of the goods which is due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, properties and function of the goods. This means that you must try the product in the same way as if you shopped in a physical store.
If the item has been tried on in addition to what is described above, it is considered used and of diminished value. This means that if you cancel the purchase, you will get a smaller part or none of the purchase amount back. It is up to MonDay Bliss ApS to assess the condition of the item.
Right of complaint
There is a 2-year warranty on products in accordance with the Danish Sales Act. The right to complain applies to all errors in software, material and manufacturing.
Complaint regarding errors and defects must be notified to MonDay Bliss ApS within a reasonable time after receipt of the goods.Here the max. two months as a reasonable time, unless otherwise agreed.We will refund reasonable shipping costs.
The complaint is waived in case of incorrect or unusual operation of the product.
MonDay Bliss ApS covers the return costs to a reasonable extent.
For returns, contact the company:
MonDay Bliss ApS
Ravnsborg Tværgade 7
TLF: +4593990884 please send an email to for reclamation or exchange, as it facilitates the process.
Complaints are accepted not if these are sent on cash on delivery.
Customer & Privacy Policy
We do not resell personal information and do not pass on your personal information to others, they are only registered in our customer directory. You can have your information deleted at any time.
In order for you to enter into an agreement with MonDay Bliss ApS, we need the following information:
. Name
. Address
. Phone number
. Email address
We register your personal data with the aim of being able to deliver the goods to you.
The personal information is registered with MonDay Bliss ApS and stored for up to five years, after which the information is deleted.
When personal data is collected via our website, we ensure that it always happens by giving your express consent, so that you are informed about exactly what information is collected and why.
The director and the employees of MonDay Bliss ApS have access to the information registered about you.
The data controller in MonDay Bliss ApS is: Carla Mickelborg
We do not store and transmit customer information encrypted.
As registered with MonDay Bliss ApS, you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right to access what information is registered about you. You have these rights according to the Personal Data Act and inquiries in connection with this should be addressed to
On uses cookies with the aim of optimizing the website and its functionality, thus making the visit as easy as possible for you.
You can delete cookies from your computer at any time, see the instructions at Webshop Cookies and Privacy Policy.
Log statistics
We use a log statistic on, which means that a statistics system collects information that can give a statistical picture of how many visitors we have, where they come from and where on the website they leave, etc.
The log statistics are only used for the purpose of optimizing MonDay Bliss ApS's website.
Consumer Protection
Read more about your protection as a consumer when you buy via a PensoPay payment solution:
Complaint options
A complaint about a product or service can be submitted to Nævnenes Hus, the Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg via Klageportalen for Nævnenes Hus. The mediation team will try to resolve the dispute by mediation, and if it is not possible to find a solution, you can bring the complaint before the Consumer Complaints Board.
It is basically a prerequisite for making a complaint that the product or service you want to complain about has cost at least 1.DKK 110 and a maximum of 100.DKK 000 For complaints about clothes and shoes, the price must be at least DKK 720 as a starting point. The amount limits may be changed. You must pay a fee to have the complaint processed.
The EU Commission's online complaints portal can also be used when submitting a complaint. This is particularly relevant if you are a consumer residing in another EU country. Complaints are filed here:
When submitting a complaint, you must provide our e-mail address