Audio Meditations | Monday Bliss
MonDay Bliss audio meditations are just as good for someone new to mindfulness as they are for those with a long-standing practice. Carla Mickelborg's voice, accompanied by music, helps you stay in your inner space, and make room for calm and contemplation. You simply choose the mediation that best suits your needs, sit back, and follow the soothing words and guidance.
The audio meditations all contain music and are voiced by Carla Mickelborg. There is also a small selection of metacognitive audio meditations that focus on training our focus and learning to choose the thoughts from which we cannot act. These can be good to start with, as they also train you to be able to stay focused in the other sound meditations.

(Danish) Anxiety

(Danish) Be yourself

(Danish) Love yourself

(Danish) Let it go

(Danish) Stress