125 g beef tartare
1 shallot (cut into small pieces)
1 tsp Mustard
5-10 capers
2-3 gherkins (cut into small pieces)
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon mayo
1 teaspoon truffle oil
1 tablespoon truffle cream

1 radish (cut into paper-thin slices)
10 Enoki mushrooms fried in 2 tablespoons of sugar and a dash of soya
Watercress, sorrel and plate bib to taste

Mix all the ingredients together for a delicious uniform tartar, and arrange it on a nice plate.

Cut the radishes into paper-thin slices, preferably with a mandolin iron, and place them in ice-cold water so that they become completely crispy.

Fry the Enoki mushrooms in sugar and soy so that they become golden and delicious.

Garnish with radish slices, Enoki mushrooms and herbs to taste.

Serve your tartare when it is completely fresh and enjoy the delicious taste in delicious surroundings.